Monday 28 November 2011

Last Filming Session

Due to completing our music video, the master shot still needed to be filmed. This shot will be used to fill the gap of the chorus, however using a variety of different shots to make our video more interesting. Originally, we decided that we would film the footage in the main school hall, to provide a long sheltered walkway for Amelia to walk down with cards falling over her. Eventually, sitting down on scattered cards to place the top hat on her head. However, when it came down to filming, the hall was in use for exams and Christmas fare, which meant that we could not use the hall at all, even though we had booked it previous. In need of filming, I felt that we didn't have time to wait for after the weekend and the school play rehearsals, so I decided to look else where. 

Eventually, I decided to film in the courtyard with the roses. I felt that this had connotations and similarities to the original Alice in Wonderland. Using the large cards that I used for the digipack photo shot, I felt that this would provide a more 'fairytale' like surrounding if we scattered the cards in the bushes and along the walk ways. Due to filming after school, the light had got dim which gave the surroundings a naturally darker light (which is perfect for our theme of the video) but with the side lights, lighting up the area. The brick work with the rose bushes created a more realistic appearance for our narrative music video.   

I varied the shots and angles to make the footage more interesting, so that once it was edited it would create a less boring video for the audience. I feel that overall, the footage that was filmed was a success, with the angles and shots making it more interesting for the viewer.  

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