Wednesday 23 November 2011

Audience Feedback

To gather audience feedback, our videos were shown in assembly so that we could collect a wide range of feedback from people with all types of music preferences. Prior to assembly, we created a questionnaire for everyone to answer so that there were specific questions for everyone to answer. Deciding on four questions that cover all aspects of the video, included genre, authenticity, how effect the video was and criticisms. However, when the assembly was held, our video was not yet completed which meant that there were gaps during the chorus. This meant that our master shot had not being edited into the video at this stage. 

After looking back at the sheets with the feedback there was a variety of different comments, most helpful, however some were just simple which gave no context within the feedback. I created a mind map titled with the main points to section off all the helpful comments. This is ultimately be incredibly useful when completing the evaluation placing the comments upon our video when on youtube. The comments that I felt were helpful were mostly positive, however the more negative criticism are wrote in blue on the mind map. Most of the hand outs came back with similar comments of what could be done better or what we have done well in.


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