Sunday 6 November 2011

Analysis of Music Video - Black Eyed Peas

Before the summer, as a group we analysised a music video - 'Where is the love' by the Black Eyed Peas. The music video gives off many conotations throughout the music video. The major one that is constant throughout is the question mark poster. This could be used to represent the meaning that everyone should care for everyone else. This meaning is also shpwn in the name of the song and in various lyrics throughout the song.

There are various religious connotations contained within the lyrics - 'Practice what you preach' in which everyone is looking up to the sky and the lighting is brighter. Another scene in the music video that has a religious connotations is Che Guevara is painted on a brick wall, this also has a symbolic appearance within the video.

Mise en scene:

The main mise en scene in the video is the poster with the question mark, this is because this prop carries the most importance and focus to show to the viewer. Another prop that is also featured heavily, is the black van that the band travel in around the town. The clothing that the members of the band are wearing are 'casual' clothing. The reason for this, is that it allows the audience to feel that they have things in common with the 'popstars'.


With the most constant connation, the question mark begins the music video with a close up, the reasoning for this, is that it allows focus upon the poster, showing the viewer that this image is going to be heavily featured. There are many close ups on the posters, this is again due to focus on the important parts that the viewer can associate with the video. Low angle to show the spray paint of Che Guevara. The low angle is used to show the domination of how important the rebilous leader was.
Due to the narrative story line, there is a lot of tracking as it follows many of the charaters with the question mark posters.


The lighting within the music video is dim during the narrative sections, this is due to the important storyline that is trying to be enhanced to the audience. However, in the chorus, the lighting appears lighter. This is due to the fact that this is the part where the audience is more likely going to associate the lyrics with the song. Therefore, if the scene is lighter, there will be more focus on the parts that attracts the audience more.

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