Wednesday 12 October 2011

Stastics for Audrianna Cole - Misplaced

Information from YouTube:

Total views: 4,165
Likes: 33
Dislikes: 1

There are 13 comments on the video and these include: "amazing!!!" and "cool video". As it is a niche song and she is unsigned, there are no "Top Comments" with 49 likes as yet!
This video is most popular with:
Gender         Age
Female         13-17
Female         18-24
Male            35-44

The fact that the males appear slightly older is because lots of young people may lie about their age to create a YouTube account. However, another possibility could be that older men are watching this video as there may be a form of sex appeal for them, and the reason there isn't an audience for men in their 20's is because most women their age are less covered up then 35-44 year old women.
The chart below shows the popularity of this video around the world. The dark green means more popularity and the lighter colours with less popularity. The chart indicates that most of the viewers are American and a few of the viewers are British:

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