Friday 14 October 2011


For each scene, I created the layout that is needed so when it comes to filming, I can base the information from here, to show excatly what I need. The mise en scene, lighting, positions and people will all be descirbed within the layout plan. For each scene, i will produce a layout plan, however the scenes are repeated with an alteration of camera angles, so i have not included this within the layout, the camera angles are included in the shot list.

Scene one: Opening book 

Mise en scene:- Old styled book
                     -  Positoned on a wooden table 

Lighting:- Dim light with a spotlight shining on the book 

Positions:- Rectangler to the camera

People within filming:- Hands are shown opening the book
                              - No people are featuring within the opening scene 

Scene two: Tree 

Mise en scene:- Old stlyed book
                     - Clock necklace 

Lighting:- natural day light 

Positions:- Alice sitting at the bottom of a tree with the mise en scene laying
                beside her 

People within filming:- Alice is the only character within this scene

Scene three: Tea Party

Mise en scene:- Cups and saucers 
                     - Top hats
                     - Wooden chairs
                     - Old tea cloth

Lighting: - Dim lighting - Edit this once we have completed filming

Positions:- Alice is sitting on the main chair at the end of the table with the 
                mise en scene around her

People within filming:- Alice is the only character within this scene

Scene four: Corridor 

Mise en scene:- People dressed in black 
                    - Animal ears 

Lighting:- Very dim lighting - Edit this once we have completed filming 

Positions:- Alice is standing in a corridor, surrouned by people dressed in black 
                with animal ears walking past her

People within filming:- Walking past Alice standing in a corridor 

Scene five:- Cards 

Mise en scene:- Cards 
                    - Thrown
                    - Crown

Lighting:- Again, dim lighted

Positions:- Walking through the entrance towards a stage where a seat is 

People within filming: - Alice is the only charater within this scene

Scence six:- Dolls house

Mise en scene:- Wallpapered walls

Lighting:- Natural lighting

Positions:- Alice cramped in a room that is too small for her

People within filming:- Alice is the only charater within this scene

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