Friday 28 October 2011

Audience Feedback so far

Interviewing audience to find out there feedback on our progress and ideas:

To find out clearly what the audiences views and opinions were of the creating of our own music video, I took each member through step by step of what our ideas were and the progress that we made so far. The reasoning for this, is that it provides a clearer explanation and understanding for both the audience members and myself. 

The first step that I explained was the actual assignment that we had all be given. I created rough bullet points so that I wouldn't miss any key information out when explaining to the members of the audience what exactly was the work set. 

  • Producing and creating a music video to an already existing song
  • Find an unsigned artist with a song that you feel that you can create a video too (preferably a song from the indie genre)
  • Contact the artist, requesting permission to use their song
  • Plan and step out all the aspects that are required to create the video
  • Film and eventually edit the video that you have produced
I then went on to show each individual the original song, in which we was going to use and produce our own take of a music video 

The next step I did was explain to the audience members what our ideas and plans were to create our own video for the song above. Again, I took them through step by step with how we came up with the ideas and what they actually were:
- As a group, we decided that the song was a narrative, therefore we should keep the style the same as it would be easier for the audience to understand.
- After deciding that it would be a narrative, we thought upon the idea of creating a fairytale approach, However, twisting the convections of an original fairytale and producing a 'dark' tale.
- I then thought of the idea of Alice and Wonderland. I chose this fairytale due to the fact that this story can be easy portrayed in the oppersite sense, showing a more darker side to the original story. 
- After explanning the background of how we got to the ideas, I then explained how we would produce the video by the scenes that we took from the original and twisted them into our own interpretation. 

The different scenes:

  • Under the tree, reading a book
  • Tea Party 
  • Dolls House
  • Empty corridor with faceless people walking past
  • Hall with falling cards
  • Opening to the music video 
Once explanning all the different steps that lead us to the final ideas ready to be filmed, I then asked for their feedback. 

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