Thursday 6 October 2011

Extention to the Storyboard

After speaking to my group for the storyboard, we shared different ideas that we came up with to create a better, improved storyboard.
One of the members in the group, had a different idea of how to start the begining of the music video.
Originally I thought that we could have a shot of the 'Drink Me' bottle. The reason for this, is to show the audience the connection between the song and what the the video will be based upon. Therefore, I felt that the bottle would do this. With the first scene, the audience can make the assumption that the narrative will be based upon the fairytale of Alice and Wonderland.

However, after speaking to the rest of my group, another member thought of a different idea to start the music video but still keep the immediate reaction between the narrative and the audience.
The idea was that there would be a shot of a closed book with the title of 'Misplaced' (the title of the song) on the front cover. Then the artist will open the book, without seeing her face, to either the first shot of the narrative or another page with information on it.

After having a discusion with my group today, I felt that the idea of the book would be a great, traditional way to start the filming of the music video. With this way it keeps to the conventions of a fairytale but also connects the song with the title as well.

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