Monday 4 July 2011

Media Language Learnt Terms

During our first lesson for A2 media studies, we were given a sheet with all the media language terms that will be needed to be learnt for the course. There were a number of terms that orginally I wasn't famillar with (stated below) however, over the last few weeks, we were set the task to learn the vocabulary that we each individually didd't know. Below are the terms that I didn't know, along with their meanings:

Denotation - What is litterally in the picutre

Connotation - The different interpertations which might be associated with the picutre  

Phonemes - Units of sound, in this context a deliberate misspelling (wot instead of what)

Treatment Signs - The detail and how it affects our understanding of the meaning of the image

Content Signs - the mise en scene and how it communicates a message

Anchoring - Text or explanation of the image

Archetypes - Typical versions of, for example, masculinity or feminity, or sorts of person

Symbols - A picture that has a significance of meaning beyond that literal

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